This page is about physical geology - particularly about valleys. It is not about identifying rocks and minerals.
Note: The word stream is used for everything from a small creek to huge river.Folks interested in getting deeper into placer mining geology in the Cariboo region of BC might like to check out: BULLETIN 89 - GEOLOGY OF TERTIARY AND QUATERNARY GOLD-BEARING PLACERS IN THE CARIBOO REGION, BRITISH COLUMBIA (93A, B, G, H).
There is an old saying that has a lot of truth in it...
"Gold is where you find it".
A hard layer of clay, called "hardpan" or "false bedrock" can have placer gold under it - it is just harder digging.
Most movement of material happens when the stream is high and fast, with little material moved the rest of the year.
These are the kinds of places where gold is most likely to be found.
In the 1800s, it was common to dig shafts and mine underground. Underground placer mining is uncommon now because of modern regulations as well as physical and financial risks.
Benches that have not been thoroughly explored are prime prospecting sites - in the gold rushes in the 1800s, it was very difficult to work deposits much above stream level.
Rich gold deposits on small buried benches are probably the best prospect for individual miners. They can be worked at low cost by hand mining and probably without obtaining permits (if a small enough water pump is used).
Abandoned channels can contain great placer gold deposits. They are
often the best prospects for larger operations involving
machine digging
(which requires a permit). This kind of mining can involve digging
up and moving large amounts of material to reach gold deposits. When
the mining is done, reclamation
is required - the pits must be filled in.
Erosion can leave benches at different heights above the creek,
scattered around and along a more or less flat bottomed valley.
Gold deposited by the stream in one place may be way off to the
side of the current location of the stream.
A V-shape cross section generally means no glaciers have moved down the
A U-shaped cross section in a large enough valley can be the result of
it being reamed out by a glacier. This will generally remove benches
on the valley wall up to how high the ice was.
Moving water has momentum like a moving car - it tends to keep moving
in the same direction. Where a stream bends, the fastest part of the
stream goes to the outside of the bend. Streams often erode their
banks in these places - part way around a bend on the outside.
Around the bend on the inside, the water slows down and
(some of the) material that is being moved by the stream is deposited.
This is one of the most important places to check a stream for gold.
Because bends can cause erosion on one side of the stream and
deposits on the other, the stream channel can slowly change the shape
of the bend and move the stream sideways. Over long periods, a
meandering stream can flow over most or all of a valley bottom,
even though the stream channel is relatively small at any one time.
If a loop develops in a meandering stream, during high water
part of the stream may take a short-cut. In some cases, the short-cut
can become the channel by erosion - sometimes a massive amount
of erosion in a matter of days or even hours. Thus the village of
Kaskaskia, Illinois now lies on the West side of the Mississippi,
despite the fact that the river has always defined the Western border
of Illinois.
When these glaciers advance, they ream out valleys and move
rock and gold around.
The extremely rich deposits in Williams Creek in Barkerville
in the Cariboo area were found 80 feet below the level of the
creek. The depth to bedrock under Lightning Creek in the Cariboo
is 200 feet in some places.
The photo at the top right of this page shows a
"Chasm Created by Glacial Runoff near Clinton, British Columbia"
(the photo caption by Getty Images).
In a valley that was reamed out by a glacier, till is the material that
was moved. It is usually a random mixture of clay, silt, sand, gravel
and boulders. In some cases, the clay in till is a greyish or bluish
color. The gravel and larger pieces are usually angular rather than
In the photo of Salmon glacier (according to the caption by
Getty Images), you can see material along the sides that the glacier
has picked up as it moved down the valley.
Generally, however, this kind of knowledge of geology is not
particularly useful for placer miners
(although it is very important for hard rock prospecting).
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The Shape of Valleys
Flat Bottoms
The bottom of a valley can be fairly flat for one or both of a couple
of reasons:
U and V Shaped Valley Bottoms
The cross section of a valley - its shape looking up or down stream -
can sometimes tell you something about its geological history.
If You Have Had Enough Geology...
The rest of this page is provided
mostly for its interest value
Meandering Streams
A meandering stream is one that winds back and forth on a
relatively flat valley bottom, generally where the angle down the
valley is moderate.
Ice Ages
There have been a number of ice ages in the past few million years,
with cooling and warming periods in which glaciers and ice sheets
advance and retreat. Ice sheets can be 3 or 4 kilometers thick.
(Actually, a geologist would say that we are now in a warming
period of an ice age that began about 2.5 million years ago.)
Valley (Alpine) Glaciers
Valley Glaciers form when great amounts of snow fall in the
the high-elevation, upstream end of a valley, and the weight of the
snow turns it into ice. If this process continues, the lower end
of the glacier slowly flows down the valley.
Ice Sheets Over Parts of BC
During ice ages, parts of BC (including the Cariboo) were covered by
ice sheets that were relatively static - they moved in and just sat
there. This prevented valley glaciers from reaming out valleys in some
Glacial Melt-Water
When glaciers and ice sheets melt, tremendous amounts of water
REALLY move rock and gold around. This can create or enlarge valleys
in some places, and partially fill valleys with clay, sand, boulders,
etc. in other places.
Glacial Till
Glacial Till is material that has been deposited directly by
glaciers. It rarely contains placer gold worth mining.
Good Knowledge of Geology Not Required
Being able to identify rocks and minerals is occasionally useful for
placer miners. For example:
In the Cariboo, most of the richest deposits around
Barkerville - reached by underground mining deep under
streams - were found on or near the top of blue clay
(which at least one old geologist referred to as
"rotten blue shale").
Placer gold really is "where you find it".
Copyright 2011-2024 by Brian Marshall
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